Thursday, March 25, 2010
I am pretty tired tonight. I will post a better update tomorrow. I did do pretty good today other than the four fried ravioli (they call them "baked" but the grease says otherwise) I had before having a HUGE yummy salad at Oreganos. But no drinks and no other fattening items. Actually, we had lunch late so I haven't eaten dinner either. But I'm not hungry - just tired. So I am going to get some sleep while the gettin' is good.
Oh, and I did do my SHRED. Cussed a bit less so I might be feeling a little stronger. I can tell you now that tomorrow will not include a work out. I have a lunch meeting that I need to prepare for ahead of time and then Tay, my stepdaughter, will be here. We are also having T's Mom and SDad coming over for dinner so working out probably won't happen again until Monday, realistically. And, realistically, I will probably be somewhat BAD over the weekend. But next week starts anew!
Sorry for the short entry. I am out for now but will update you on how bad I am being (or good - pfsh, yeah right) over the weekend...
Thanks to all of you for your support this first week. It was a shaky first week with a shaky weekend to follow but, at least I worked out EVERY day!! YAY for me!
Goodnight for now...
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